


Hosted & Managed


PortfolioThe Success Stories
The web we created for over a
hundred brands across various businesses, industries, and regions
spanning India, Oman, Dubai, Australia, Canada and USA.
Work Hard. Hart Arbeiten. Work Hard.

Bhagyodaya powered by cloudmatic
Bizsol powered by cloudmatic
pla entertainmen powered by cloudmatic

How Cloudmatic® delivered the projectsCase Studies – From Concept To Market.Brands we engineered over the Web for superior performance.

Automotive Stampings & Assemblies Ltd

Automotive Stampings & Assemblies Ltd.https://autostampings.com
Manufactures and supplier of sheet metal components, welded assemblies and modules for automobiles.

Needed to restructure and upgrade their age-old website.

In 1.5 Months, we achieved.

Automotive Stampings & Assemblies Ltd. (ASAL) a listed company and a part of TATA Enterprises, were particular about the branding and performance of the new website. We at Cloudmatic were also very enthusiastic to work for this prestigious Tata brand.

Our team created and crafted a unique UI/UX, and developed the site on one of the leading CMS framework. Website Navigation, Design, Graphics were crafted to suit the brand. We deployed best web-design practices, keeping in mind its freshness, frequent updates, ease-of-management, scalability and website security.

Once published we monitored & maintained the website, kept the performance and security to its highest since then.
Its been a year now and ASAL website ranks in top 10 performing websites amongst TACO network.

Web design case study ASAL Dec 2024 Report
Cyber Risk Scan Report Dec 2024

ASALNettcodeMosquitoFreeWorldAnkur Vidyamandir
Automotive Stampings & Assemblies Ltd

Automotive Stampings & Assemblies Ltd.https://autostampings.com
Manufactures and supplier of sheet metal components, welded assemblies and modules for automobiles.

Needed to restructure and upgrade their age-old website.

In 1.5 Months, we achieved.

Automotive Stampings & Assemblies Ltd. (ASAL) a listed company and a part of TATA Enterprises, were particular about the branding and performance of the new website. We at Cloudmatic were also very enthusiastic to work for this prestigious Tata brand.

Our team created and crafted a unique UI/UX, and developed the site on one of the leading CMS framework. Website Navigation, Design, Graphics were crafted to suit the brand. We deployed best web-design practices, keeping in mind its freshness, frequent updates, ease-of-management, scalability and website security.

Once published we monitored & maintained the website, kept the performance and security to its highest since then.
Its been a year now and ASAL website ranks in top 10 performing websites amongst TACO network.

Web design case study ASAL Dec 2024 Report
Cyber Risk Scan Report Dec 2024
Nettcode is a directory of Indian IT professional and Creative freelancers

Nettcode is a directory of Indian IT professional and Creative freelancers; created to bring benefit to Indian SMEs.

Needed an Indian IT directory – a platform for creative and IT minds and to generate business opportunities for them.

In 1 Year, we Delivered.

We conceptualised the idea to create a platform that would create work opportunity and promote Indian IT agencies and experts. Furthermore Nettcode.com was integrated with RFQ to enable business to find, list and float their requirement for experts to bid/submit their proposals.

A year of research, prototyping, designing, coding and testing brought Nettcode to life and was opened for registration in the year 2019. By the end of 2024, Nettcode.com lists 4800+ IT Experts and Digital Agencies across 72 Indian cities. Nettcode is proud to honour and promote creative & technology minds.

Year 2025, Nettcode is scheduled for a complete upgrade and technology modification. Keep watching..

case study website migration of mosquitofreeworld.com

A Sunrise Group enterprise.

Needed to change their IT outsourcing partner.

WordPress migration is a critical process that needs attention to every bit of information. At times migration could breakdown the website and may take hours and days to fix or reverse the entire process.

In 30 Minutes, we achieved. The fastest WordPress Migration

We were called by the MosquitoFreeWorld stakeholders to learn that due to unavoidable circumstances; espacially non-availability of SSL hosting with their hosting provider, Websites to be moved to Cloudmatic’s Hosting.. and it should be done – that same day.

Post a quick on-boarding process, our team was on Task-mode for next 30 minutes, armed with all required information and login, we first setup the Hosting on one of our Indian servers and started the Migration – The WordPress migration.

With years of experience and expertise in wordpress and knowing its critical nature, a simple to-do list was created, and the migration process was started. wp-content and MySQL database downloaded. Uploaded them onto new host, where we have setup the standard wordpress. Changes to MySQL DB were made wrt the table prefix; and imported the data. Theme’s customizer was exported-imported onto new wordpress..DONE!
30 minutes – All 3 sites were restored to Cloudmatic’s Hosting server. A simple change in Domains DNS was made to point the [A] record (TTL set to 300 for quick DNS propagation) to the our server’s IP. Later the NS were updated to point to Cloudmatic.

The Next hour websites were running from Cloudmatic’s hosting server. No downtime, no glitches except that the PHP version from cPanel to be downgraded to 7.3, since all these 3 websites were designed in 2018 with support to PHP 7.3.
We did it and created a benchmark.

Ankur Vidyamandirwww.Ankurvidyamandir.edu.in
An education and rehabilitation center

Needed to retrench their web-service expenses.

In 2 Months, we achieved.

We performed an audit and observed that it is achievable. It was learned that they are paying a huge sum towards the use of Ankurvidyamandir.org Domain and website. A major amount was being spent on Google Workspace subscription.

We applied for .edu.in domain (Thanks to ERNET for domain allocation – .edu.in) and requested Google to allocate Google Workspace for Education (Free to eligible institutes) service to “Ankurvidyamandir.edu.in” and it was granted. Google also helped migrate Workspace data to new account (from .org to .edu.in). We then redirected .Org domain to .edu.in, designed hosted and managed by Cloudmatic (under concessional plan).

Ankur Vidyamandir now enjoys a new website, and emails (Google Workspace for Education – Absolutely Free). Yearly cost of Website, Domain and Emails were brought down to 20% of the cost spent in previous years.

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